New PS5 VR Controllers
Sony has revealed our first look at THE NEW PLAYSTATION 5 VR CONTROLLERS. We look forward to bringing you Duplese’s haptic feedback and adaptive triggers, camera – free tracking, fingerprint detection, and more. I hope to reveal our next generation virtual reality system for the PS5 and then increase your knowledge by telling you more about the new controller that will play a crucial role in providing players with the VR experience we will be providing. Do you feel that we want their new VR controller to give us a deeper and stronger sense of immersion in the VR experience? It will be built on the innovations they introduced with the Dual Sense wireless controller. Launching a new way to express touch changes the game feel of THE NEW PLAYSTATION 5 VR CONTROLLERS. We are happy about that.
New PS5 VR Controllers DESIGN
The first thing we see with their next General VR controller is a unique design. It takes on an “orbital” shape and naturally controls the controller while playing with a high degree of freedom. Happily, this gives developers the ability to create unique sports experiences. Here we feel very comfortable as there are no obstacles on how to move our hands.

We see that they have designed this new controller with the very efficiency in mind. So it is very easy for us to hold each of our hands tightly as it is well balanced and comfortable. We specialize in testing users with a handful of ranges and using decades of controller intelligence across all PlayStation platforms.
New PS5 VR Controllers FEATURS
The new VR controller is designed to increase the appetite of the players by enabling them to play and interact in a more visual way. Several features, including key features of the Dual Sense controller, are set to create the next generation of VR sports accessories.
Adaptive Inductors
Each VR controller has an adaptive trigger button that adds tactical tension when pressed, similar to a dual sensor controller. That’s left and right.
If you’ve played PS5, you’ll be familiar with the tension of pressing the L2 or R2 buttons, like when you pull your bow to shoot an arrow. When you take that kind of technician and apply it to VR, the experience expands to the next level.
Haptic feedback
We optimize the new controller’s haptic feedback for its format factor. In addition, every sensibility in the sports world is more tive productive texture and modern.
As you walk through a rocky desert or under trade blows in shackle battles, you will feel the difference, VR.
Fingerprint recognition
The controller can identify your fingers without any pressure on your thumb, index or middle finger areas.
This allows you to make more natural gestures with your hands during the game.
The VR controller is tracked through a tracking ring through the bottom of the controller by the new VR headset.
Kriya Buttons / Analog Sticks
The left controller contains one analog stick, a triangle and a rectangular button, the “grasp” button (L1), the trigger button (L2), and the Create button.
The right controller contains one analog rod, cross and round buttons, a “grasp” button (R1), an induction button (R2), and an optional button. For example you can use the “Hold” button to retrieve objects in the game.
More information related to this.
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